Post di promemoria che si riferisce all'annuncio di Google per Kartta Lab ( ) dove dice di tener d'occhio il blog di google sull'intelligenza artificiale ( ) per la data del rilascio vero e proprio. Riferimento ad un altro post interno (MapWarper) << Warper The entry point to crowdsourcing is Warper, an open source web app based on MapWarper that allows users to upload historical images of maps and georectify them by finding control points on the historical map and corresponding points on a base map. Once a user uploads a scanned historical map, Warper makes a best guess of the map’s geolocation by extracting textual information from the map. This initial guess is used to place the map roughly in its location and allow the user to georeference the map pixels by placing pair...
miei appunti vari sull'uso di openstreetmap e umap; annotazioni per non dimenticare come ho fatto